Talk:BitTorrent Magnet-URI Webseeding

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Multiple "ws=", "xs=" or "as=" parameters

How to handle multiple "ws=", "xs=" or "as=" parameters should probably be clarified a little more. T X 16:34, 2 March 2012 (PST)

metadata retrieval via "ws=" parameter

Just some notes and clarifications about the thoughts behind it:

It is a "compression" mechanism, resulting in less overhead needed for the provider of a magnet URI with webseed support for both payload data and metadata. However, if the according webseed only supports payload data webseeding then this might generate unsuccesful requests for metadata webseeding, resulting in a higher overhead.

Therefore this is basically a trade-off. However in most cases it will be trivial to add the according torrent files on the webseeds for one thing. And for another, as the "ws=" parameter is being interpreted as an "as=" and not "xs=" parameter the extra overhead will only occure if no metadata could be retrieved via BEP9 previously - but in this case it is also very unlikely that a common BitTorrent seed is available, resulting in a request for the payload data via this webseed which in comparison usually has a much higher overhead than the metadata webseed request, making this overhead marginal in relation.

Additionally in a lot of scenarios this removes the effort for a magnet link provider to update any of his/her current magnet links. T X 16:34, 2 March 2012 (PST)


I intentionally left out BEP17 although it'd be (mostly) trivial to add it to this draft. BEP19 seems to be the more common one, is anyone using/caring about BEP17?

The only difficulty might be with the "ws=" parameter for metadata, which is more interpreted in a GetRight-style-Webseeding way so far. (but it could probably be interpreted in both styles with the cost of some extra overhead and the need for extending the Hoffman-style protocol/scripts)

If someone were caring about BEP17 at a later time, this could be added with an extra BEP then, too. T X 17:08, 2 March 2012 (PST)